NCL’s Digital & Banking Services Team is Changing

May 2024

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Sheila Fraser, an advocate for the credit union system and a valued team member of the National Consulting team. After an impactful career spanning four decades, Sheila will be retiring in July of 2024.

Having been an integral part of National Consulting Limited since its inception, Sheila has held various influential roles within the credit union system. Her journey began in 1984 as a teller at Strasbourg Credit Union and progressed through many roles including managing a merger (Eastshore Credit Union) and the banking migration to VisionWest. In 1997, she moved to SaskCentral on a contract to act as a member of the Business Response Team supporting other credit unions post migration to VisionWest.  In 1999, she was hired by SaskCentral as a support analyst and then transitioned to Celero when it was formed. In 2007, she assumed the role of a Business Analyst as part of the banking migration, followed by a move to CEAMS as Migration Program Manager until 2010. From 2011 to 2017, she played a pivotal role with CEAMS, and served as the Digital and Banking Services Manager at SaskCentral from 2018 to 2022, wrapping up her career with National Consulting Limited from 2022 to 2024.  Sheila’s commitment to excellence for credit unions has been unwavering, and her contributions have significantly enriched the credit union system.

As Sheila embarks on a well-deserved retirement, we express our deepest gratitude for her dedicated service and commendable achievements. We extend our heartfelt wishes for her future endeavors, and hope that she finds joy in spending time with her family and friends, as well as pursuing her passions and interests. While we all will undoubtedly miss Sheila, we celebrate the beginning of this new chapter in her life.

Join us in extending warm congratulations to Sheila on her retirement, and in expressing our sincere appreciation for her outstanding service to the credit union system. Sheila’s knowledge and commitment will be undoubtfully missed not only by us by all those she has worked with along the way!

NCL is pleased to announce the addition of Kathy Gibbs to our team serving your credit union in the role of Manager Digital and Banking Services.

With over 29 years of credit union experience, Kathy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise based on her diverse background. Kathy’s passion lies in assisting credit unions in achieving success and staying on top of evolving technologies.

With Sheila Fraser retiring in July and Marilyn Fahlman’s term finishing in June, Kathy will lead the role moving forward.

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